Nick and Dave hanging out on Dave's portaledge. I was on the begining of the Great White Shark and Dave was right below me, so I decided to rap down, drink a beer and listen to some good Bob Marley's songs. Good times, lots of memories and lots of fun bro.
Nick na base da via Mescalito nos preparativos finais pra comecar a escalada onde se tornou o primeiro Brasileiro a subir o El Capitan em estilo solitario. Vai Brasil !!! Reparem no barril que eu descolei, na falta de um terceiro haul bag. A gente se vira ne...
Nick hooking on the speed ascent of Zodiac (17 hours), with Dave Turner and Walt Dickinson 2004. It was my first experience ever speed climbing.
Top of Zodiac, this guys had climbed Zodiac on Wall style, this was a crazy night, no sleeping bags, very tired and cold, trying to keep the fire on the hole night.
Nick cleaning the first pitch of Tempest. Loose and Steep
This is my monkey brotha Walt at the base of Tempest one day before I blasted off the ground. Me, Dave and Walt pushed Zodiac and the NA Wall in 2004. Good times bro. Hope to see you soon on monkey land. Peace.
Dave Turner sending the second pitch of his new route Atlantis
Hey guys, check this movie from Ricardo Lagos who soloed South Seas on El Cap very close from me, Nicola Martinez on Tempest, Dave Turner on Atlantis and Sean and Timmy O'Neill, Ammon McNelley and Cedar Wright on Space. Hope you like it. Go Monkeys. Peace Nick Movie: Ricardo Lagos